PSV Pipe Separated Value

"PSV Pipe Separated Value (PSV) is a data format whose design goals is to enable use of markdown tables as a data format with graceful fallover when rendered in html.”

    | ID [uuidv4 unique]                   | Name       | Age [years] | Occupation       | Country   | Favorite Food |
    | ------------------------------------ | ---------- | ----------- | ---------------- | --------- | ------------- |
    | 0b32a75e-e190-4a71-b0e1-45e0d826584f | Alice      | 30          | Software Engineer| USA       | Pizza         |
    | 1e6e3e5a-f6cf-4b30-bc42-5365418604a1 | Bob        | 35          | Doctor           | UK        | Sushi         |
    | 9a7f548f-0854-4c23-bb39-1aefb48b47ae | Charlie    | 28          | Graphic Designer | Canada    | Tacos         |
    | d12cc354-8845-4dc2-91b0-d714f2a33ef3 | David      | 40          | Teacher          | Australia | Pasta         |
    | cf0294f1-8d71-4e01-9619-62ebfdd2a47d | Emma       | 33          | Accountant       | Germany   | Steak         |
    | e4fcb648-7f80-464d-9a0d-bc00ac9d5f58 | Frank      | 45          | Chef             | France    | Croissant     |
    | b5c79927-5250-4919-848d-68f0c5d2e11d | Grace      | 29          | Nurse            | Spain     | Paella        |
    | f0d31595-0d11-4f33-b9b1-c8b95eb354a1 | Henry      | 37          | Architect        | Italy     | Gelato        |
    | bfc1db9b-f9e1-4dd9-b1d1-22f74264e0e0 | Isabella   | 31          | Lawyer           | Brazil    | Feijoada      |
    | 149118b2-08e0-4e6a-bc6a-f56184f7a7fc | John       | 42          | Scientist        | Japan     | Ramen         |
    | b38e1601-60ff-4458-8ae5-6efdfaa69d0f | Mia        | 27          | Writer           | Ireland   | Irish Stew    |

Commonmark / Markdown

PSV is based on the common pipe table syntax seen in commonmark / markdown extensions

No Schema needed

PSV table headers handling can infer the type via header names with additional syntax to assist in disambiguation if needed.

Rapidly Developing Format

PSV is rapidly evolving and is intended to be defined in an Internet Standard, RFC ????.


This PSV file format was originally thought about from this post Commonmark Talk Thread.